1st Monthly Group Seminar with our FYP members~!
Four Year-4 Undergraduate students have joined the E3GEO for their Final Year Project (FYP) research.
It is a compulsary for all students in the Civil Engineering discipline to complete their FYP to receive their Bacheler degree at UNSW Canberra.
After a month of preliminary studeis and research, Nathan, Olivier, Jake and Joshua have presented their research aim and plan to other group members on March 27, 2019.
Nathans topic is to perform feasibility studies on the development of a new bio-based slurry for ground excavation. Olivier will proceed research on using biopolymers for subbase / subground material stabilization and maintenence.
Jake will discover the durability of biopolymer-treated sands in terms of cyclic wetting-drying, freezing and thawing, and under the exposure of extreme heat. Joshua will explore the hydraulic erosion behavior of biopolymer-treated clays.
Welcome guys~ and good luck to your FYP research~!