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E3GEO at the 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (16ARC)

E3GEO members - Dr. Ilhan Chang, Sojeong Lee, Jooyoung Im, and Yeong-Man Kwon - have traveled to Taipei, Taiwan to attend the 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (October 14~17, 2019).

The conference was held at the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), which is located right beside the city's landmark, the Taipei 101 building. E3GEO members had a wonderful time on presenting their research, networking, and studying new fields and latest trends in research.

Dr. Chang with Dr. Moon-Kyung Chung (Vice President of KICT) during the 16ARC

Dr. Chang with Prof. Tae-Hyuk Kwon (KAIST, Korea)

Having a short retreat in the evening (Jooyoung, Yeong-Man, and Ilhan)

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